Archery Hover Ball

Hoverball Archery provides an indoor/outdoor experience which creates a safe and fun learning environment to teach and learn basic archery skills.

Those who are experienced at archery will no doubt find this to be a blast! Those who are just learning will have a chance to work on the top 3 archery skills: 

•Hand-eye coordination 

•Upper body strength 

•Self Discipline 

The benefits of S.A.F.E. Archery™ Arrows are the ability to practice indoors due to the safety of the arrows. They have foam tips (Safe Nock™), and do not require additional netting. 

Choice of Backdrops - Zombie or Safe Archery


$355 for a 6 hour rental - please call for pricing for longer or multiple day events.

Electrical Circuits Needed: 1

Archery Hover Ball

Archery Hover Ball

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